How to Use and Make Healing Crystal Remedies

How to Use and Make Healing Crystal Remedies

Some ancient cultures, including Judaic, Greek and Egyptian, may have used energy emitted by crystals. Some people even believe that crystals were the catalyst for moving the huge stone blocks to build the Egyptian pyramids, and others have credited the destruction of Atlantis to the improper use of crystals. Today, modern technology uses crystals to emit energy in clocks, lasers, liquid crystal display screens, transistors, computer chips and many other devices. Holistic practioners use crystals to heal mental, physical and spiritual imbalances in people. The theory behind crystal healing is that each crystal emits a vibrational energy that resonates with the energies of different chakras and their related health issues, said Deedre Diemer, intuitive counselor and author of "The ABC's of Chakra Therapy."

Things You'll Need:


Resources to research each crystal's different properties


Glass containers


The first step in crystal healing is to determine the type of crystal needed. Each color crystal has different healing properties and corresponds to a different chakra.


Next, it's important to cleanse and charge the crystals to clear it from all the energy it has collected. Crystals absorb negative energies so they need regular cleaning, otherwise they become overstressed and stop working, said karmic healer and author Judy Hall. She suggested an easy way to do this by holding the crystals under running water for a few minutes, and then putting them out in the sun to recharge.


Now the crystal is ready to make a healing remedy. When soaked in water, the water becomes infused with the crystal's healing properties, storing the vibrations and transferring them to the physical body, said karmic healer and author Judy Hall. One way to do this is by adding a crystal to bath water. Crystal therapist Karen Ryan suggested using rose quartz for love and relaxation, sodalite to ease the mind, lepidolite for stress relief, chrysocolla for emotional mood swings, smokey quartz for dissolving anger, and tiger's eye for mental clarity.


For a room spray that will refresh stale energies or dispel negative energy, Ryan said to place a few crystals such as clear quartz, rose quartz and/or amethyst in a clear jar and fill with spring water. Place the jar in the sun for 4 to 7 hours, so the crystals' properties would infuse the water. Then remove the crystals and transfer to an atomizer and spray the entire house. Use all the water within a few hours because the potency decreases over time.


Another remedy is drinking crystal-infused water. Place a crystal in a glass, fill with spring water, and set it in the sun for at least 6 hours. Because the human body is nearly 70 percent water, the more structured our body's water becomes, the more it can act as an effective semiconductor for life force energy, according to the book "Healing with Crystals" by Jonathan Pawlick and Pamela Chase. Make sure to do thorough research on the crystals used before ingesting to make sure they are not toxic or water-soluble.

Tips & Warnings

White or clear stones like clear quartz stimulate the crown chakra to increase a sense of well-being, and improve self-esteem and communication. They also help to relieve mental angst and depression.

Purple stones like amethyst stimulate the brow, or third eye, chakra, and ease pain, irritation and stress, which help to boost mental awareness and concentration.

The throat chakra is aroused by blue stones like lapis lazuli and azurite. They alleviate ear, nose and throat conditions, and aid glandular and oral conditions.

Green and pink stones like rose quartz and jade can be used to invigorate the heart chakra, and ease heart and chest conditions, and treat emotional issues.

The solar plexus chakra is stimulated by yellow crystals like agate and light citrine, which aid in digestion and lessen food allergies, liver problems and muscle cramps.

The sex chakra is activated by orange stones like tiger's eye and carnelian to help increase energy, ease kidney problems and dispel inhibitions.

Red and black crystals like obsidian and garnet ignite the root chakra. They can help improve fertility and sex drive, ease menstrual problems, blood disorders, frigidity and inhibition, and increase courage.

Some stones, such as malachite, sulphur, galena and vanadinite, are toxic and remedies from these stones need to be made by an indirect method by putting the stone into a bowl that stands within a bowl of spring water in sunlight that transfers the vibrations without transferring any of the toxic material from which the stone is formed. If in doubt, make the remedy by the indirect method, which is also suitable for fragile or layered stones.

How to Use an Immunity Regulating Cleanse

How to Use an Immunity Regulating Cleanse

If you suffer from weight gain, fatigue, frequent spring colds, slow-healing wounds or low resistance to stress, then it is possible you have a misfiring immune system. You can help get your immune system back on track by doing an immunity regulating cleanse. Here are a few steps to take to help aid the process.

Things You'll Need:

1/2 Cup Parsley or Spinach


Stalk Celery




Fresh Vegetables

Legumes, Eggs or Nonfat Yogurt



Stalk Celery

Legumes, Eggs or Nonfat Yogurt

1/2 Cup Parsley or Spinach




Fresh Vegetables



Blend a half cup of parsley or spinach, one cup water, one banana, one stalk celery and a few slices of cucumber or beet. Drink this smoothie for two meals a day. This shake will help fortify and regulate the immune system.


Sip lemon water throughout the entire day. Juice one lemon into 48 ounces of water and add 1 tbsp. of lemon zest, shaking well to incorporate. The vitamin C found in lemon, helps heal the immune system. The zest helps stimulate detoxification cycles in the liver.


Eat unlimited fresh vegetables with a side of protein like legumes, eggs or nonfat yogurt.

Tips & Warnings

Make a batch of smoothie in advance and freeze in plastic cups with lids for busy days. Remove from freezer one hour in advance.

If hunger or cravings strike, pair smoothies with a light vegetarian meal.

How to Use Acupuncture to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

How to Use Acupuncture to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable autoimmune disease effecting the central nervous system. Though there are several disease modifying therapies available through the medical field, many patients also explore complementary and alternative medicinal treatments such as acupuncture. Acupuncture is one of many traditional Chinese medicinal treatments which seek to correct imbalances in the flow of energy within a patient's body.

Things You'll Need:


Licensed Acupuncturist


Understand that though acupuncture is a fairly well tolerated procedure in the majority of patients, you should be aware of any risks associated with its administration. People who use blood-thinning medicines should discuss using acupuncture to treat MS symptoms with their physicians before undergoing treatment.


Seek out a qualified and well-trained acupuncturist. The majority of states do have a licensing process and many have their own professional acupuncture organizations which may provide you with more information regarding acupuncturists in your area.


Be prepared to participate in treatments at least once a week, if not more frequently. Most patients who undergo acupuncture report a positive response following at least 8 to 10 consecutive sessions.


Budget for acupuncture treatment as many health insurance providers will not provide coverage for these sessions. The average cost of a single session varies by practitioner.


Know that you may have to commit to a longer treatment by acupuncture depending on the severity of your symptoms and any other underlying causes.


Use other forms of traditional Chinese medicine in conjunction with your acupuncture treatment to treat the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis with caution. Studies have shown that many kinds of herbal treatments work to stimulate the immune system, which may cause exacerbations or further demyelination in many patients with MS.


Use acupuncture only in conjunction with your disease-modifying drug therapy as directed by your neurologist. Remember that there is no current evidence to suggest that acupuncture can effect the course of MS, decrease the frequency of exacerbations or stop the progression of disability in MS patients.

Tips & Warnings

Discuss your decision to seek alternative treatment with your neurologist before you begin. She may be able to suggest a practitioner or even provide you with a referral which may offset costs through your insurance carrier.

How to Unlearn Bad Habits Through the Alexander Technique

How to Unlearn Bad Habits Through the Alexander Technique

Though you might consider using the Alexander Technique to help you get rid of bad habits, it might be more appropriate to think of using the technique to unlearn negative habits. Throughout life, we pick up new things and they begin to feel normal for us because we do them so frequently. The premise of the Alexander Technique is to unlearn that which has become habitual and, through self awareness, develop a lightness of being and a fluidity of movement. The technique is commonly used for pain and stress relief, as well as improving posture, movement and mental health.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Get to Know the Alexander Technique


Understand that the Alexander Technique is not so much a technique as it is a skill to master and apply to daily life.


Recognize that the Alexander Technique may help you to focus and develop a level of self awareness helpful in eliminating bad habits.


Know that the Alexander Technique may be helpful in unlearning everything from posture-related habits to those that lead to mental stress and tension.


Understand that the Alexander Technique may be effective for relieving pain and achieving overall body balance.


Learn more about the Alexander Technique by visiting the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).

Attend Alexander Technique Lessons


Visit the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site to shop for local practitioners.


Click on the "Find A Teacher" link to locate practitioners close to your workplace or home.


Contact the practitioner of your choice to obtain information about lessons.


Expect the practitioner you choose to tailor one-on-one lessons to meet your needs.


Show up for your first lesson in comfortable clothing that allows you to move about easily.


Plan for your lessons to last about 30 to 45 minutes each.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to unlearn bad habits through one-on-one Alexander Technique lessons, expect to encounter mid-level prices.

You may be able to unlearn many bad habits through the Alexander Technique. However, if you are dealing with dangerous habits, such as illegal drug consumption or alcohol abuse, seek professional help from a medical doctor. The Alexander Technique may be a good supplement for such help, instead of a substitute for it.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Understand the Potential Benefits of Physical Therapy

How to Understand the Potential Benefits of Physical Therapy

The increasing need for physical therapy education has brought additional attention to the benefits of rehabilitation. Physical therapy can improve the overall condition of an injury as well as reduce pain. The potential to manage pain effectively may make physical therapy the right choice for many pain sufferers. Treatments are moderately priced. Your physical therapist may work in tandem with your general physician to create a comprehensive treatment plan. Check your insurance plan to see if associated costs are covered. Follow these steps to learn more about the potential benefits of physical therapy.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Explore the Potential Benefits of Physical Therapy Massage


Enjoy a release of stress and improved circulation as a result of massage. Releasing tension in muscles can immediately decrease pain in stiff and tight areas.


Feel the increased mobility as hands-on techniques work to eliminate range of motion limitations that affect tight shoulders, backs and knees.


Decrease inflammation and promote healthy recovery with massage. Understand that massage increases the blood flow to the immediate area, which can activate the process of healing.


Learn more about the benefits of physical therapy at the "American Physical Therapy Association" Web site (see Resources below).

Take Classes in Exercise Techniques as a Part of Physical Therapy


Seek classes that teach core strengthening exercises, such as Pilates and yoga. Developing strength in the central region of the body provides the necessary support to help rehabilitate an injury.


Find classes that practice aquatic therapy to relieve injury using the natural resistance found in a swimming pool. Understand aquatic programs are great for their gentle approach and have the potential to appeal to all age groups.


Register for strength training classes to treat muscle injuries. Start with light weights until your therapist feels you're ready to increase your program.

Reap Overall Health Benefits of Physical Therapy


Decrease symptoms of depression associated with injury by participating in physical therapy.


Limit your chances of future injuries by starting an individualized program that includes balanced nutrition and activity.


Experience significant pain relief without the use of medication. Physical therapy focuses on alleviating pain and increasing the comfort of the patient in a holistic manner. The cost for most forms of physical therapy can range from free to moderate, depending on your insurance coverage.

Tips & Warnings

Physical therapy may be a component in effective rehabilitation.

Make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to create the best possible rehabilitation outcomes.

Use supplements, proper rest, adaptive physical aides and hard work as part of a total wellness plan.

Don't use physical therapy as an appropriate treatment in emergency situations. If you faint or feel dizzy, go to the hospital immediately.

Understand your injury limitations. Don't attempt to overwork the sore area.

How to Wear Floral Patterns with Style

How to Wear Floral Patterns with Style

Spring heralds the joy of returning to a more festive color palette for your wardrobe. Suddenly wintry blacks and grays have lost their appeal and are traded in for eye-catching pinks, bright blues, and splashy yellows. The hallmark of spring fashion is the schizophrenic floral design. Modern florals can either be chic and minimalist or cute and quaint, depending on the proportions and color scheme. So how can you incorporate vibrant sunflowers, elegant
, and elusive lilies into your closet without looking like Alice from Wonderland? It's simple. Just keep in mind these factors to help you find what's right for you so you can weed out what's wrong:


*Proportion: Floral patterns should be in proportion to your body size; otherwise the wrong proportions can be highly unflattering. If you're slender, you can wear a wide range of print sizes, from huge flowers to tiny ones. If you're petite, however, avoid huge flowers as they may look comically big and make you seem even shorter. Bigger ladies should avoid large prints, as they will only emphasize your size. Search for smaller, more discreet prints to slim you down. To bring attention to a feature you like, wear florals in that area. If you are proud of your bust, for instance, wear a floral


instead of a floral skirt or floral pants. Avoid wearing florals in an area you want to hide.


*Color: Examine the color scheme that spans most of your wardrobe. Do you tend to own mostly jewel tones? Are you more into pastels? Do you love bold shades? Or do neutrals dominate your closet? Whatever your preference, choose florals that fall in the same color family as what you already own so they don't look amiss when you wear them and so that they match your existing wardrobe. For a more dramatic look, wear florals with a stark color contrast between the flowers and the background. For a more subtle look, be sure that the flowers and the background are simple in color or at least brightness.


*Fabric: Florals tend to look best in soft, flowing materials, like silk and polyester, as the floral design will only make bulky materials appear bulkier. Choose a fabric that is similar to what you already own so that the piece doesn't clash with your other garments. Be sure that the fabric is also a flattering choice given your body type. Again, keep in mind the power of proportions. If you are slender, you can get away with a wide range of different fabrics; the only danger you run is getting lost in ultra-bulky fabrics. If you're bigger, stick to thinner, more streamline fabrics so you don't create the effect of extra pounds.


*Cut: Florals run the danger of looking stodgy unless you have a modern cut. Choose cuts that are either classic or of-the-moment, but not too of-the-moment. If the cut is so trendy that it's frivolous, chances are you will only wear the garment one season, which is a waste of money. Buy something you will feel comfortable wearing next year without looking ridiculous. As with any article of clothing, make sure that the cut is flattering. Fabric should neither skim too closely to the body nor fall too far from it. Find a becoming intermediate so that the garment doesn't wrinkle, pucker, or bag in an unappealing manner.

Tips & Warnings

Tossing aside your wintry garments in exchange for fun and flirty florals is one of the best ways to welcome spring. Be sure to introduce this winning pattern into your wardrobe with the first sight of a daffodil.

How to Wear Fleece

How to Wear Fleece

Fleece is a warm, soft, durable fabric made from sheep's wool or a synthetic or cotton blend. The fabric is popular for casual sweaters, jackets, pajamas and outdoor wear.


Buy a zip-front or pullover fleece jacket for skiing or other snow
. Wear as a coat or add another layer for colder temperatures. You can match the fleece with ski pants and boots and all the winter accessories for a fashionable outdoor look that also keeps you warm and comfortable.


Choose a casual sweater or cardigan for work or play. Wear fleece with slacks or over a dress with tall heeled boots, or with jeans and ballet flats for a cozy, trendy look.


Shop for many classic and modern styles of fleece tops. Look for v-neck, crew-neck, vest or cardigan sweaters and jackets with a variety of zippers and pockets to stash your mittens, headphones or other accessories.


Sleep in fleece pajamas for the ultimate winter comfort and warmth. Pair fleece pants with a tank top year round for a colorful and comfortable sleep ensemble, or add a sweatshirt or fuzzy robe and slippers for a lounge-worthy outfit.

Tips & Warnings

Wash fleece with a gentle detergent by machine or by hand. Lay flat to dry. You don't need to dry clean fleece to keep it beautiful and durable for many years.

Keep hair and skin hydrated and use a fabric softener on your fleece clothing during the winter months to avoid itching and static buildup.